Saturday, March 4, 2006

Nonaffective Psychosis

Nonaffective Psychosis: About these extrapolations of prevalence and incidence statistics for these statistics are calculated extrapolations of various prevalence or incidence rates against the populations of a particular country or region. The statistics used for prevalence/incidence of Nonaffective Psychosis are typically based on US, UK, Canadian or Australian statistics. This extrapolation calculation is automated and does not take into account any genetic, cultural, environmental, social, racial or other differences across the various countries and regions for which the extrapolated Nonaffective Psychosis statistics below refer to. As such, these extrapolations may be highly inaccurate (especially for developing or third-world countries) and only give a general indication (or even a meaningless indication) as to the actual prevalence or incidence of Nonaffective Psychosis in that region.

About prevalence and incidence statistics in general for Nonaffective Psychosis:
The word 'prevalence' of Nonaffective Psychosis usually means the estimated population of people who are managing Nonaffective Psychosis at any given time (i.e. people with Nonaffective Psychosis). The term 'incidence' of Nonaffective Psychosis means the annual diagnosis rate, or the number of new cases of Nonaffective Psychosis diagnosed each year (i.e. getting Nonaffective Psychosis).

Hence, these two statistics types can differ:
a short disease like flu can have high annual incidence but low prevalence, but a life-long disease like diabetes has a low annual incidence but high prevalence. For more information see about prevalence and incidence statistics.

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